Windows 11

how to edit windows 11 right click menu

How to Edit Windows 11 Right Click Menu

Windows 11 introduces a sleek and modern interface that enhances user experience and productivity. One of the key features of Windows 11 is the right-click menu, which provides quick access to various options and actions. However, the default right-click menu may not always meet your specific needs. Fortunately, Windows 11 allows you to customize and edit the right-click menu to tailor it to your preferences. In this article, we will explore the steps to edit the Windows 11 right-click menu and provide valuable insights on how to optimize it for your workflow.

Understanding the Windows 11 Right Click Menu

The right-click menu, also known as the context menu, is a powerful tool that allows users to access a range of options and actions specific to the selected item. Whether you are working with files, folders, or applications, the right-click menu provides a convenient way to perform various tasks without navigating through multiple menus or options.

In Windows 11, the right-click menu has been redesigned to align with the new visual style and provide a more streamlined experience. By default, the right-click menu in Windows 11 includes options such as Open, Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Rename, and Properties. However, depending on the context, additional options may be available.

Why Edit the Windows 11 Right Click Menu?

While the default right-click menu in Windows 11 offers a range of useful options, it may not always align with your specific needs or workflow. Editing the right-click menu allows you to customize it according to your preferences, making it more efficient and tailored to your requirements. By removing unnecessary options and adding frequently used actions, you can save time and improve productivity.

Additionally, editing the right-click menu can help declutter the interface and reduce visual overload. By removing options that you rarely use, you can create a cleaner and more focused user experience. This can be particularly beneficial for users who work with a large number of files and folders on a regular basis.

How to Edit the Windows 11 Right Click Menu

Editing the Windows 11 right-click menu involves modifying the Windows Registry, which is a database that stores configuration settings for the operating system and installed applications. Before making any changes to the Registry, it is important to create a backup to ensure that you can restore the original settings if needed. Follow these steps to edit the Windows 11 right-click menu:


Step 1: Open the Registry Editor

To open the Registry Editor, press the Windows key + R to open the Run dialog box. Type “regedit” (without quotes) and press Enter. If prompted by User Account Control, click “Yes” to grant permission.

Step 2: Navigate to the ContextMenuHandlers Key

In the Registry Editor, navigate to the following key:



This key contains the context menu handlers for various file types. To edit the right-click menu for a specific file type, you can navigate to the corresponding subkey. For example, to edit the right-click menu for text files, navigate to:


Step 3: Backup the ContextMenuHandlers Key

Before making any changes, it is important to create a backup of the ContextMenuHandlers key. To do this, right-click on the key and select “Export.” Choose a location to save the backup file and provide a descriptive name. Click “Save” to create the backup.

Step 4: Edit the Right Click Menu

Once you have created a backup, you can proceed to edit the right-click menu. To remove an option from the right-click menu, simply delete the corresponding subkey under the ContextMenuHandlers key. To add a new option, you can create a new subkey and configure it accordingly.

For example, to remove the “Cut” option from the right-click menu, you would delete the subkey named “{C2FBB630-2971-11D1-A18C-00C04FD75D13}”. To add a new option, you would create a new subkey and configure it with the desired functionality.

Step 5: Test the Changes

After making the desired changes to the right-click menu, it is important to test them to ensure they work as expected. Right-click on a file or folder that corresponds to the changes you made and verify that the modified options are displayed in the right-click menu.

Best Practices for Editing the Windows 11 Right Click Menu

When editing the Windows 11 right-click menu, it is important to follow best practices to ensure a smooth and reliable experience. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Create a backup: Before making any changes, always create a backup of the Registry to ensure that you can restore the original settings if needed.
  • Be cautious: Editing the Registry can have unintended consequences if not done correctly. Make sure to double-check your changes and test them thoroughly before applying them system-wide.
  • Research: Before removing or adding options to the right-click menu, research the corresponding Registry keys and their functionality. This will help you understand the potential impact of your changes.
  • Organize: When adding new options to the right-click menu, consider organizing them into logical groups. This will make the menu more intuitive and easier to navigate.
  • Keep it simple: Avoid cluttering the right-click menu with too many options. Focus on adding the most frequently used actions to keep the menu clean and efficient.


The Windows 11 right-click menu is a powerful tool that provides quick access to a range of options and actions. By editing the right-click menu, you can customize it to your preferences and optimize it for your workflow. Whether you need to remove unnecessary options or add frequently used actions, the ability to edit the right-click menu allows you to create a more efficient and tailored user experience. However, it is important to approach editing the right-click menu with caution and follow best practices to ensure a smooth and reliable experience. By following the steps outlined in this article and considering the best practices, you can unlock the full potential of the Windows 11 right-click menu and enhance your productivity.


Can I restore the original right-click menu in Windows 11?

Yes, you can restore the original right-click menu in Windows 11 by deleting the modifications you made in the Registry. Simply navigate to the corresponding subkey under the ContextMenuHandlers key and delete the subkeys you added or restore the subkeys you deleted.

Are there any third-party tools available to edit the right-click menu in Windows 11?

Yes, there are several third-party tools available that provide a user-friendly interface to edit the right-click menu in Windows 11. These tools often offer additional features and customization options beyond what is possible through manual Registry editing. However, it is important to research and choose reputable tools from trusted sources to ensure the security and stability of your system.

Can I edit the right-click menu for specific file types only?

Yes, you can edit the right-click menu for specific file types by navigating to the corresponding subkey under the ContextMenuHandlers key in the Registry. By editing the right-click menu for specific file types, you can customize the options and actions available based on your specific needs and workflow.


I am a technology writer specialize in mobile tech and gadgets. I have been covering the mobile industry for over 5 years and have watched the rapid evolution of smartphones and apps. My specialty is smartphone reviews and comparisons. I thoroughly tests each device's hardware, software, camera, battery life, and other key features. I provide in-depth, unbiased reviews to help readers determine which mobile gadgets best fit their needs and budgets.

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